In Shimba Hills, March is all about cerebal palsy. There is a center near the Maji Moto school where children with this disability receive therapy. The team led by clinic manager Violet Maghanga was invited to visit the center.
Cerebal palsy (CP) is a group of diseases with symptoms such as movement disorders and muscle stiffness, also known as spasticity. The affected children have suffered brain damage either before, during or shortly after birth. Malformations of the brain are the result.
The team at the Rhein-Valley Hospital Healthcenter took the visit as an opportunity to think about working closely with the center and offering the same services there. This is because a number of children suffering from CP live in the catchment area of the clinic. However, they do not receive treatment. The reason is that transport to the center is not possible, or the caregivers do not know that the children with this disability can be rehabilitated.
The reason is that transport to the center is not possible, or the caregivers do not know that the children with this disability can be rehabilitated.