Head hair and beards grow even in a pandemic. So what to do when all the hairdressers are closed? Rhine Valley Hospital has a solution for its employees: hair stylist Kinyozi cuts oversized beards and hair that has grown too long.
Kenya has changed since the outbreak of the corona pandemic. Nothing in the country is the way it used to be. Recently, the number of infected, diseased and deceased has continued to rise. It has reached an en all-time high. Not to be forgotten are the health care workers. More healthcare professionals are affected than ever before. Outages due to illness or quarantine led to the closure of some health facilities.
Rhine Valley Hospital maintains high standards of sanitation to ensure that employees and patients are protected as much as possible. As an important safety precaution, employees are severely restricted in their freedom of movement.
Consequently, they are no longer allowed to visit a hairdresser. The salons are all closed anyway. So the hair became longer and longer and the beards became fuller and fuller. The men looked older than they were.
In order to deal with the wild growth on the head, the hospital management bought a razor. Now Coiffeur Kinyozi regularly opens his small salon and helps the employees to get a respectable hairstyle again.