Dear patrons, on the occasion of the 10th birthday of the Hospital of Hope, we had the pleasure to celebrate a big party. Part of it was the premiere of the documentary film “The promise – the long breath of Stephan Holderegger”.

Due to high demand for release, the documentary on DVD will be available for shipment in December. If you donate 150 Swiss francs or more, you will receive the DVD free of charge – together with the thank-you note.

If you would like to purchase the DVD without making a donation, or would like a second copy, you can order it on our website ( at a price of 50 francs. A majority of the proceeds from the sale will go directly to Rhine Valley Hospital. A contribution towards expenses per DVD covers production, postage and shipping costs.

Comments on the film: The film was very well received by the premiere audience. No one made any critical comments. The following was heard: “Very impressive, touching, honest, with surprises and depth, exciting and professionally done, informative, well to the point, amazing, all performers seem authentic. Some admitted to have learned additional, new and important things about Stephan Holderegger’s biography and “his” hospital in Kenya. Some acknowledged having revised certain preconceptions. One tradesman said enthusiastically, “Next time I’ll hike Kilimanjaro with you – my promise!”

(“Der Rheintaler” of September 22, 2014)