Maji Moto school is located about two hours drive from Mombasa. It currently offers about 600 young people a place to learn. Many of the children are allowed to attend elementary school for the first time. Until now, they have not been able to do so for financial reasons. The school runs groups from first to eighth grade. It may well happen that the age differences are quite large in each case. Furthermore, the students are offered two meals a day, one of which is hot. This ensures that the children are well nourished and able to perform.

Kerstin Amudala is a native of Austria and married to Levi. The couple has two children. Both are committed to the project with expertise, passion and a lot of time. Both deserve our fullest confidence.

Kerstin Amudala is the owner of a travel agency in Mombasa. She manages the accounting records of the school project, the invoices are clearly filed. So we have a good overview of all expenses/costs like salaries, benefits, food, maintenance, projects and much more.