Part of our association’s philosophy is to maintain direct contact with the people in Kenya. This is the only way we can get to know and understand the mentality, needs and talents. Our President Erich Kühnis cultivates this exchange on three trips a year. In September, he was accompanied by our Board member Eveline Alder. As treasurer, she is very familiar with the project and all financial matters.

“What is particularly pleasing is how much all project managers
are dedicated to the people!”

Beide kehrten begeistert vom Projektbesuch zurück. Die Angebote von Tagesklinik, Schule und Kirche ergänzen sich, die Zusammenarbeit aller Beteiligten ist sehr gut. Sie stützen ihre Arbeit auf drei Säulen: Bildung, Gesundheit und das seelische Wohl. Erich Kühnis sagt: «Man merkt, dass ihnen allen das Projekt eine Herzensangelegenheit ist.»

Der Vorstand von rechts: Erich Kühnis, Benjamin Pipa, Gereon von der Linden, Monika von der Linden und Eveline Alder. Susanne Ganz gehört dem Team ausserdem an.

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Eveline Alder says: “It’s particularly pleasing to see how much all the project managers care about the people!” A therapist visits the day clinic every Wednesday. He is currently treating eight children, some of whom are severely disabled, with physiotherapy on a voluntary basis. As soon as the extension is finished and operations start in January 2025, we will have more opportunities to provide appropriate therapeutic treatment for paralyzed children or children with spasticity.

Ein wenig Unbeschwertheit.

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A laboratory will also be set up in the new building. This will provide us with the necessary equipment for comprehensive diagnostics. A community gives strength and promotes a perspective. The children, the school and our day clinic experience this.

Another milestone reached

At the end of October, our clinic manager Violet Maghanga told us about a milestone in the development of Rhein Valley Medical Center. She writes: “The Kenyan Ministry of Health has certified us as Level 3.” A facility with this classification is able to offer preventive, curative, promotive and diagnostic services. This means that a patient may be treated by a medical professional, receive health and lifestyle advice and be given medication. In addition, tests may be carried out in the clinic’s own laboratory. The facility should also offer maternity and pregnancy services.
As soon as our extension is equipped, we will be able to offer all these services. This includes ultrasound diagnostics and the cerebral palsy clinic, which are part of the support and rehabilitation services. As we are a day clinic, we will not be admitting general inpatients. However, it will be possible to observe patients and provide 24-hour care for deliveries and births. Violet Maghanga continues: “We have a big task ahead of us, but I am ready for the challenge.”

The Rhein Valley Medical Center is built on a solid foundation. Violet Maghanga leads the qualified clinic team and the Board of Directors supports it in all matters.

Click here for the video: 25 years of the Rhine-Valley Hospital Association.


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