In July, it will have been a year since we registered our facility and opened it to the public. The number of patients has increased enormously. Construction progress on the additional building is on schedule. In this first year, we have expanded our services step by step. We are already able to competently treat chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy and arthritis as well as other everyday complaints such as colds, skin infections, soft tissue injuries and acute stomach infections such as diarrhea. The team, led by Violet Maghanga, has also managed to offer rehabilitative therapies within a year of its registration. Currently, 15 children with cerebal palsy (spasticity) are treated regularly in free sessions. We are able to refer them to specialists to review their disabilities. One of the children is scheduled for an operation in August, which is a major breakthrough for our clinic. We hope to be able to improve our services as soon as the new rooms and laboratory are completed and ready for use. The shell of the building has been completed. The solar system has been installed and is already producing electricity. You can donate here!
About the Author: Monika von der Linden
Ich lebe in Heerbrugg und arbeite als Redaktorin bei der Galledia Regionalmedien AG in Berneck. Nachdem wir das Spital in Kasambara-Gilgil schliessen mussten, ergab sich in der Kooperation mit Schilling für Shilling eine neue Chance. Im Oktober 2022 reiste ich erneut ins Land und feierte die Eröffnung des «Rhein-Valley Hospital Healthcenters» bei der Schule Maji Moto mit. Nun möchte ich möglichst vielen Menschen vermitteln, wie der Rheintaler Verein Grosses bewirken und Hoffnung schenken kann.