Baby Day at Rheinvalley Hospital
Baby Day is always held at RVH on Thursdays. Of course, we gladly used this opportunity to drive up to Kasambara to the hospital with Ruth.
Baby Day is always held at RVH on Thursdays. Of course, we gladly used this opportunity to drive up to Kasambara to the hospital with Ruth.
Due to the postponement of the elections in Kenya to March 2013, the HOCHHINAUS Kilimanjaro Expedition is postponed until further notice.
From the expedition "Hochhinaus 2012" we received almost daily moving pictures of the ascent of Kilimanjaro. Cameraman Lothar Becker captured a wide variety of scenes. Benjamin Pipa and his Swiss-Film team produced moving videos. A big thank you goes to them for the impressive impressions.
For a good two weeks, the expedition team was on the road in Kenya and Tanzania to get a picture of Rhine Valley Hospital.
On Saturday, March 24, the third expedition "Hochhinaus" starts for the benefit of the Rhine Valley Hospital in Kenya. A 28-member team takes on the challenge of conquering the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Kilimanjaro exerts a great fascination on many people. Once you have stood on the "Roof of Africa", you will never forget the experience and wish to take on the challenge again.
The Rhein-Valley Hospital Association, based in Altstätten, not only designed the website, but organized it. The user can find all the information in two languages: "Do good and talk about it.
Ruth Schäfer is a member of the board of directors of Rhein-Valley-Hospital, based in Altstätten, in the St.Gallen Rhine Valley. She is the woman who has dedicated her life with skin and hair to the hospital project and thus to the people in Kasambara-Gilgil, in Kenya.
Rhine Valley Hospital Association | Flurstrasse 7 | CH-9450 Altstätten | | Imprint