
Hospital promised and initiated

The film "The Promise - the long breath of Stephan Holderegger" will premiere on Saturday, September 20, at 5 p.m. in the Amtacker multipurpose hall in Marbach. Holderegger is the initiator of the Rhine Valley Hospital in Kenya.

By |2014-09-17T19:47:27+02:0017. September 2014|News|

A big promise kept

Stephan Holderegger lives with a transplanted lung and is the initiator of the Rhine Valley Hospital in Kenya. In a documentary film, swissfilm gmbh outlines the life and work of the man. On September 20, she invites you to the premiere of "The Promise - the Long Breath of Stephan Holderegger" in Marbach.

By |2014-09-13T20:15:25+02:0013. September 2014|News|
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