Work in the infirmary is progressing well. Until we receive the operating license for the Rhein-Valley Hospital Healthcenter from the Ministry of Health of Kenya, there is still a little work to be done. They run.

There are still a few structural deficiencies that need to be addressed to meet the sanitary requirements of the Department of Health.

A third toilet will be built so that the staff of the infirmary can have their own. Further, a waiting zone will be set up outside. Lessons have been learned from the pandemic that the waiting area inside is not large enough, and when crowded, some patients have to wait outside for their treatment.


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Das Areal der Krankenstation wird eingezeunt.

Consequently, the outdoor waiting area is designed to protect people from the weather. A roof casts shade on hot days, while protecting against moisture on rainy days.

In order to make the area of the infirmary self-contained, it will be completely fenced in. This area of the Rhine-Valley Hospital Healthcenter will be completely fenced like the neighboring Maji School.

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